Shopping for pearls can be an intimidating process. To make sure you get the best quality, there are five key criteria that you should take into account. From the lustre of the pearls to their size, colour and shape, here’s what to look out for when you buy pearls.

The top 15 Oscar nominated as well as winning films to watch during lockdown as we are entering the award season. The list is based on the simple criterion that these films you can watch over and over again. Enjoy, and feel free to write in the comments which film is your all time fave

Lockdown this time round seems harder on many of us. Working from home, coupled with homeschooling in the dark, cold and wet winter days leaves something to be desired. So what is a girl to do to get her mojo back again? First off, start dreaming and stimulate your senses. Make your fave dish from a perfect moment in your life, watch foreign language films from your fave destination, emulate the feeling of swimming in the sea by starting each morning with a cold show.

There is nothing more annoying than not getting your presents on time for your loved ones, so see the deadline here for when to complete your orders with RAW Copenhagen. The last Christmas delivery dates are for national and international orders within Europe with Royal Mail.

Bored? Worried? Exhausted? Are you in need of getting your mojo back? Then why not treat yourself to a little imaginary city break to Copenhagen? In the words of Hans Christian Andersen ‘To travel is to live’. As humans we love to explore, expand our horizon, challenge our taste buds and perceptions, meet new people and explore the unknown. However, nurturing our wanderlust is off the table currently, so let’s resort to traveling in our minds. 

This little guide is meant as a little pick me up and as a mental stimulus for your senses as you transcend yourself to Copenhagen, even if just for a little while.