Scandinavian design has been on trend for decades. Initially Danes were more famous for our sleek minimalist and functional architecture and designs like Arne Jacobsen (Mr Egg and Ant Chairs), Jørn Utzon (Mr Sydney Opera House) and Poul Henningsen (Mr Artichoke Lamp) to name but a few.
But in recent decades, Copenhagen has become one of the major players as one of the capitals of fashion, and an increasingly green one that is.
In the words of Dorothea Gundtoft, author of Fashion Scandinavia: ‘One of the outstanding features of Scandinavian style, whether in furniture of fashion, was that a good design could impact positively in quality of life, notions of responsibility and social improvement’ (Gundtoft, 2013, p 6). I think this description still sums up pretty well, how I see good Scandi design. Designs need to be adding something extra to your life, as well as contribute to something greater in terms of the impact of your purchase.
Sissel Edelbo Dress made sustainably from up and recycled idian saris
That the green annual fashion conference, the so-called Copenhagen Fashion Summit, was launched in Copenhagen 10 years ago just seemed like a natural progression from the Scandi design tradition, as the overall objective of the Summit is to push for fashion to be produced, marketed and consumed in a more social and environmentally friendly manner. An objective that is quite similar to that of Fashion Revolution, which we are celebrating this week, 22-28 April 2019.
So, if you love fashion, you love Scandi style and you want to be more sustainable as a fashion lover, then see my tips below on how to go Scandi chic the green way:
1) First off follow the much quoted words of Vivienne Westwood 'buy less, choose well, and make it last'. Shy away from fast fashion, buy what you really love and cherish it.
2) Think investment pieces, modern classic designs that are timeless and scream edgy millennial cool in cut and colour, like a really good pair of jeans, a go to blazer, understated chic jewellery etc etc.
Sissel Edelbo and her fabulous upcycled indian saris, so beautiful, boho chic and limited edition
3) Less is more, which doesn’t have to mean all black or boring. Think of your silhouette, when you are wearing your outfit, keep it simple, and then add your fave accessories.
4) Go for effortless chic, we all love to look fabulous, but we also want to be and feel comfortable. Make sure your are wearing your outfit and not vice versa. If it feels like the dress is wearing you, then change to one of your fave pieces instead. Fashion should be fun and make you feel fabulous, ooze self confidence and self love.
5) Go for good quality natural fabrics like ECO cotton, pineapple leather, wool and linen or recycled material, this also means that you will not be sending thousands of micro plastic particles into the oceans when washing your clothes, -  and that your pieces will last you a life time.
6) Stand out from the crowd. No neon required, but go for cool cuts and small quirky details. Scandi design is a lot about individualism and confidence, so express your uniqueness by looking for small indie brands. One slow Danish brands I love, is Miss Dotty, they excel in small batches of super feminine 60's inspired work wear and dresses with puffed sleeves. Understated, contemporary but their designs so stands out from the crowd.
7) Think texture, mixing texture brings another dimension to your outfit and makes you feel good as well, as we are all tactile beings. Silk skirt with chunky knit, linen dress with smooth tie belt, etc etc. 
Vildnis Danish owned fashion brand specializing in ethical and sustainable wardrobe stables
8) Google sustainable Scandi brands. Old fave Danish labels like Stine Goya, Designer Remix and many, many more are going green, but there is also a multitude of small indie brands, who create the most beautiful one of a kind or limited edition designs. Currently Sissel Edelbo is one of my faves with her up-cycled saries turned into the most gorgeous bohemian dresses, see pics higher up. Summer 2019 here we come. See also brands like Vildnis (see the army shirt above) and Grobund for stable ECO pieces that you never grow tired off, think wide legged jeans, boiler suits, and the cutest dresses.
9) Shop Vintage and preloved. One woman's trash is another woman's treasure. Some of the coolest dresses I have ever owned were bought in vintage and thrift shops, like the green dress below, so spoil yourself and go treasure hunting green style.
Founder and designer at RAW Copenhagen in one of her fave vintage dresses. Buy less, choose well and make it last, and why not start in the vintage shops?
10) Organise a clothes swap with your girl gang. We all have pieces that we cannot fit into anymore, but that we have loved too much to send off to the charity shop. So arrange a date and make it a girl gang get together.
Want to check out a few seriously cool Scandi chicks? They are not green, but they sum up and embody Scandi style anno 2019 and beyond, and their style can be found in green equivalents if you follow the tips above, so do check out their Instagram accounts:
Go green my dear fashionista 

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  • rmbcfmhoyg -

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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