Happy International Women's Day 2022

Happy International Women's Day 2022

With the war in Ukraine, a celebration of International Women's Day seems all the more important, as women and children are especially vulnerable during war and conflict, and unfortunately we have already seen the first although so far unverified reports of rape by Russian solders of Ukrainian women. Or as stated by Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić:

'We face the sombre fact that war is always associated with distinct forms of violence against women and girls. As they try to escape conflicts, women and girls become even more vulnerable, threatened by violence, sexual assault, and rape. Women and girls fleeing the conflict require specific support and protection' (COE, 2022)

As a child of the early 1970's and being dragged together with my older sister along to International Women's Day by our mum, I have memories of rather hippish events. Lots of flared trousers, funky hair, very expressive art of the female body, topless women and baking pancakes on the button of soda cans with tea lights inside. Fragmented memories, I know, but two themes stood out in all the lovely hippy mess of these event, - the importance of gender equality and of sisterhood. 

Sisterhood is what we are all feeling with the strong Ukrainian women, whether they had fled or are trying to flee or have decided to stay put. We all feel violated along with you by this unprovoked war and loss of innocent lives, and the inability to keep your nearest safe.




The theme for International Women's Day 2022 is #breakthebias - a call for the elimination of stereotypes and discrimination against women. The objective is to create a world where diversity, equitability and inclusivity are the new reality, and where difference is valued and celebrated.

With the horrid kidnapping and murder of Sarah Everard, to name just one, and the aftermath of the #metoo movement including the court case against Giselle Maxwell, it seems the call for gender equality this year requires an ever stronger emphasis on the need to stop violence against women on a day like today, and despite progress there is still a resounding call for the need to keep pushing for equal pay, better maternity and paternity leave policies, better representation of women of all ethnics background in the board room etc etc. 

So, let's do this, lets keep pushing the agenda and work towards a world for our daughters where gender discrimination is a thing of the past.


Growing up with the importance of sisterhood and with a background in humanitarian aid and sustainable development, it was obvious to me that I wanted to donate some of the profit from RAW. Initially I donated Hill Tribes Communities, but since 2018 I have donated 10% of RAW's annual revenue to Women for Women, an NGO that help women survivors of war rebuild their lives in a sustainable way. This charity does amazing work, so today on International Women's Day I donate 25% from all proceeds, except the Ukrainian Peace Bracelet, to Women for Women, also you save 10% off all the Sisterhood designs.

Sisterhood Necklace, necklace sold in support of international womens day and the work of women for women

 Happy International Women's Day

1 comment

  • Martha Elles-Hill -

    Are you still doing the Ukraine bracelets? They are beautiful – I saw Catherine’s (Hughes) this afternoon and loved it! All best wishes, Martha

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